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100% buying this when it comes out on steam


I would like to know, what did you use for sky sphere and for trees? for trees speedtree or smth?


speedtree and funly sky studio


very good game i love it

(1 edit) (+1)

this game really good! The map are nice, it just need more optimization option like remove the ambient occlusion or remove the vegetation


this is really good! Especially with the new maps added. I hope to see more updates in the future!<3





(3 edits) (+2)(-1)

It's just me or I can't use the rifle? I can only use shotgun, pistol and submachinegun.


i know i think the rifle got removed


 1 2 3


I saw Baronvongames have a shotgun and a revolver along with his rifle. Anyone know how to switch guns?


numbers should do it


Thx, I was spamming numbers before but I just had to update the demo


We need update Jack


how do i download it




And Go To Options To Turn On Sound


SUPER FUN Game Add More Maps Like Verdun OR PLANES. When You Release It Please Make It Free.


itll be $15


super fun game just wondering if there is sound or is it my pc? u can just extract the file you dont nead zip

where is the disrcord server


you have to click his linktree on tikto

(1 edit) (+1)

help please im on mac and when i click the file it says it cant be opened


The download is only for windows, I'm not sure you can download it on mac.


 can download it on mac it has a apple logo


you have to unzip it also there is literally an apple logo so it is compatible

your fault mac pc are difficult and very sensitive


its fun

how to download and play:download it,check downloads folder,click on rising front,there should be an other thing named RF build(click it),there should be another thing named rising front in the RF folder(4rth thing down),click it,something should appear and you can handle it from there,after you have clicked ok on the Zip thing(green progress bar),the 4rth thing in the RF build folder will have a unity logo,click on that and have fun seeing men be cut down by bullets .(will show screenshots if needed)

need to add putties to british soldier


can u make it for 32 bits pls ;)


why Make it 32 bits?


my lil brother wanna play it too! i can pay 100 dollars for it


more guns and lodaut SO not halal mode


learn 2 spell


i can only play prototype whyyy no houses no more gunssssss


bruh I downloaded everything why won't this work


The game is so fun !

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why the fuck does no one know how to fucking extract a simple zip and run an app/exe.


life is often dissapointing

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indeed so

(1 edit) (+3)

Average tik tok users


Because computer science isn't taught beyond how to write an advertisement.


game is school but there is no sound effects too much gliches, like for example when i spawn in it automaticly walks backwards or when i press the button to deploy a unit a i cant see my cursor. So just dont get it for now its too buggy


yea the why its  prototype so when the real game comes out it does not have so  many bugs



(1 edit) (+2)

how tf do i play


press esc


i extracted it but there just isnt  there i open it it says rf front build


and after i open it it says some random things like app and data like which one do i open 


Open the extracted file, then open the folder named RF build, then open the file named Rising Front. :)


I'm having trouble downloading the game, I'm on mac btw. I download the zip but can't extract it. Can someone help?

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dude just click on the zip



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oh for fuck sake just double click the zip you downloaded


I double-clicked the zip and then it made a folder that says RF Build. I open it and there is just a bunch of random things. If I try to open Rising Front it doesn't let me. If I try to extract the exe, it says I can't. (I tried to extract to desktop too, but it didn't work).






why am so lag


because pc= patato

(1 edit) (+1)

potato,and yes,his PC must be potato


if your pc is a potato try  running it with ultra low graphics by going into video in options


i have hp stream and if i run it the lowest possible graphics and lowest resolution even then i still get like 5 fps lol


How much do you think it's going to cost on Steam?

btw love the demo


i think it would be at the price of 25 to 75 dollars


25 TO 75 DOLLARS FOR THIS??? Not to be mean or anything but I would never buy this game if it was over $15.


like 7-15$


it's going to be $15 lol




this isn't a choosing beggar, be honest would u buy it for 25?


thats cause your poor


hes says that because of how good it is


I think not less then 5 dollars, and not more than 20

11 dolor 


Is there any way to join the british/french army instead of the germans?




Well not yet. In the RoadMap it says that Jack plans on Adding the ability to pick team

it just has yet to be implemented


good game 

How long until the next update?

its a prototype wait for it to release on steam


Deleted 3 years ago

Its cause the Mac Version is also meant for Windows, Mac sees this and refuses to open it cause it thinks its incompatible. I think.




I use androud abd it takes forvever to downlkwd ughhh


Great Game but maybe fix the ai they target the player mostly and don't really care about enemy ai.


Your probably spawning on the wrong side.


I was not spawning on the wrong side because when i spawned they didn't shoot at me, and when we charged I had like 15 allies right next to me. But the enemy started shooting at me instead of them after my death they started shooting at my allies. This happened every time I charged.


Well, if you see a officer in war you would target the officer. Not the less trained soldiers.


doesn't work on mac catalina


How do I use bayonet?


i think sadly u cant




What is the fun of world War one if not bayonet charge?


look up prototype retard


I KNOW hes gonna add that,so fun seeing men get gunned downed

your demented


we wait a month and we don't even get  mp18


I was sick with covid and had other things going on, next update will have a lot more content in a shorter period of time



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