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nice my pc is about to explode. great game

too true

Love watching 100+ npc battles


Looks good

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

This game has a lot of potential but needs a lot of work.

I know development will take a while but I am greatly looking forward to seeing the finished product.


bruh this game is so fucking cool !!!!!!!!!!


.laitnetop sah ti kniht I


THIS IS MASTERClassse the best WWI game


bruh this game is so fucking cool !!!!!!!!!!


bruh you copy jesus crist rep



(1 edit) (+7)(-2)

bruh this game is so fucking cool !!!!!!!!!!


great game


this is nice game, even just a proto i could play for hours and just massacre a whole entire platoon, keep up the good work my man


bro it has been 2 months i think


He is trying to finish the game, and not put out free prototypes but create a paid version on steam


Hey dev, Pls add Mac download.


Hey dev, pls put on the steam under 7 dolar pls


he said i think it gonna be free idk tho


I think price will depend on the quality of the game. 

I doubt it will release with the price being $7 and I think a more realistic price for a fully developed version would be somewhere around $20-30. 

we'll see though.

(1 edit) (-8)

hey i devs i want the vehicle pls add now

and more contry name usa and russia and and  italy and austria pls i beg you all devs


It's only 1 dev, france is already in the game, and the game will not get any prototypes, it will get released on steam as full game


yeah. lots of people are WAY to demanding to devs


this game is really good and its kinda slow but managable on a mac laptop so yeah its cool

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

yes i agree this is great work

i cant wait to the vehicle

how do you play i have downloaded the file but the game wont start


unpack then run the .exe file


wow 1 fps and not responding 

I might have to lower the graphics 


still at 1 fp


It is just your PC, It probably cannot handle this game

strange i have 2000fps with all at ultra

thats cap

sure not 200 thats what i got on my fancy pc

in battle much higher on home screen


First off the game is amazing but I have some recommendations.

  • The AI doesn't always go in the trenches
  • and maybe like in rise of liberty there could be an inter active artillery
  • bayonets on the guns
  • and as always 1v1 multiplayer with friends

Continue what you are doing as a great developer!

join the discord server and put your suggestions there/

Its the demo


I like the new gamemodes, like the scenerio, but you cant play them. What I mesan by that, is when I click them, it does that animation thing when you click, but nothing happens, and there is no way to play without doing sandbox, is this a glitch? Although, I love the new menu, and weapon loadout menu, AND YOU ADDED THE RIFELS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

scernarios werent added yet

(1 edit)

why i cant install it

You need to retract the files or somethin

come si installa perche non riesco

devi premere download poi apri la cartella che ti scarica clicchi il file exe  e estrai tutto poi apri la cartella estratta   e si nuovo il file .exe e ora si dovrebbe aprire il gioco

i think it would be nice if the white command arrows were a shade of red or green so you can see wich side they are moving


ohhh whats in the new one

(1 edit)

he brought back the rifle, he added a new map added new modes coming in a future version and and a possible battle plan system coming in a future version aswell

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

i mean a 32x bits not a 86 bits sorry

(1 edit) (+1)

when will the full release is done?

and is it free???


dose not say on steam page but he has said it will be 10 dollars worth it though

i think its official release is at 2022. check in the steam store

when will there be a 84x bits version

add scope

gib plane??

Add rifle back

AMAZING 10000/5

A pretty good game

I wonder what type of tank they will choose for the Germans?

most likely A7V. if he goes by realism he will choose thin air for the germans though

Ze Dicker Max, or ze Fat Max, zis is good tank ja (rate my accent)


toaster tank

is this game an fps game?

yes it is


you literally answered your comment kekw


(1 edit)

cant wait for da big update

or any update at all


hope there is a option the corpses stay forever

so no update ?

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